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Happy Friday!

October has been super busy so far and I know it has been a while since I last shared something on here  and whilst I feel guilty for neglecting this little space, things crop up from time to time meaning you can't be as regimented as you'd like but I am back.

Anyway, as mentioned in my Nursery Inspiration post, when we moved into this house we knew that the nursery was going to be our number one priority and it is really coming together now with just some final touches to be added.  It is a pretty small space and my aim has always been to make it timeless ensuring that Hendrix can grow with it. I drafted this post a little while back and thought it is about time I share the below plans with you all as I am planning on doing a Nursery Reveal post very very soon (watch this space).

The Flooring 
As most of the house Hendrix's nursery is covered in grey carpet. I suppose it is a practical shade however, in order to add character to the space, I decided to add a central rug. My love for persian rugs doesn't fade so this was an obvious choice. It acts as a focal point in the room and adds plenty of texture. I went for something generic rather than child like which means I can repurpose and use elsewhere in the house. 


Repurpose what I already have
The nursery is a pretty cosy space meaning there isn't much room for storage. I've had this HEMNES chest of drawers for a while and although it doesn't provide a hell of a lot of space, it does the job for now.
I have also moved in a retro inspired TV stand I put together a little while back (I simply added some hair pin legs onto a standard bookshelf). This sits in the corner of the room by a window and adds extra storage for Hendrix's forever growing collection of toys and books.

Add Personality

No room is complete without art work in my opinion so I'm going to create a little gallery wall. The room is very white at the moment and we won't be painting it anytime soon. Incorporating print and texture is the easiest way to add personality to a space. At the moment, the art work is restricted to one big animal world map (which I am not entirely sure about) so an order from desenio is very much needed indeed. I will also be replacing the drawer knobs which will make the chest less IKEA like if that makes sense.

Light it up
I am adding a personalised neon sign above the cot as it gives the space a bit of an edge and it is also the perfect opportunity to fulfill my current neon obsession. I am yet undecided about the ceiling light, I am thinking something neutral and timeless. I am slightly in love with the above anthropology shade but the price tag is sky high. I am going to DIY a much more affordable version by adding a contrast stripe to a nautral pendant- the easiest DIY project ever! What do you think? I'm also still deciding whether to go for your standard table lamp or a wall clamp style light that would attach to one of the shelves. Maybe I should purchase both?

The Mood Board 

So that's about it.  I hope this room will last Hendrix through to his first couple of years hence why I am trying to create a space that will be easy to adapt as he grows. By choosing to use more generic furniture, the room should be simple to update by changing the artwork and soft furnishings.

The timeline? I am hoping to finish this room by the end of next month and look forward to sharing the final result with you all.

Thank you for reading,

A x

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